
 Here is an introduction to the novel "Eagle Song" that we will be reading and discussing online over the next few week.

Eagle Song is about a boy named Danny Bigtree. Danny and his family moved to Brooklyn, New York, and he just can’t seem to fit in at school. He’s homesick for the Mohawk reservation, and the kids in his class tease him about being an Indian—the thing that makes Danny most proud. Can he find the courage to stand up for himself?

The book will be broken down into chapters at the top of this blog. Under each chapter tab you will find a video of a teacher reading the chapter, and some assignments will follow. Please listen to the chapters being read and then complete the following assignments. Don't forget to hit the "submit" button once you finish each assignment.

If you have any questions please ask your teacher.

Meaning of the Eagle Symbol

Native Americans are a deeply spiritual people and they communicate their history, thoughts, ideas and dreams from generation to generation through symbols and signs such as the Eagle symbol. Native Americans symbols are geometric portrayals of celestial bodies, natural phenomena and animal designs. Native American bird and animal symbols and totems are believed to represent the physical form of a spirit helper and guide. The Native Americans consider the bald eagle and the golden eagle to be sacred. As eagles are the highest flying birds they were seen to be nearer to the Creator. Click below to view a video of the Red Shadow Singers singing the Eagle Song.

Click on the link below the red arrows to complete your first assignment.

Introduction Assignment


Happy Reading!
